Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fieldtrip to Sheepfold

We finally checked out the Middlesex Fells Sheepfold. Hagrid followed a golden retriever into the tall dry grass, romped around while the hay swayed in the breeze, and came all the way from across the field when called! I didn't even have treats with me.

So many dogs, so much fun!

Hagrid's favorite pal of the day was a white American Bull Terrier just over a year old. This guy was super playful, vocal, and ran like the wind. Hagrid was in heaven. I was distressed when I saw an owner of a nervous (around the Am. bd) greyhound slap him on the side of the face for "harrassing" her dog. He wasn't harrassing the dog; he wanted to play! I would be SO mad if someone slapped my dog when danger is not imminent.

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