Thursday, March 3, 2016

What's Saving My Life Right Now

(Thanks to Dr. Parker for pointing me to Modern Mrs. Darcy for this Notebook Time idea.)

  1. Light, oh glorious light! When I walk Hagrid at 6:15 AM, the sun is rising, and oh, the simple pleasure of starting my day with a walk in the morning light. In February we gained an average of two and a half minutes of daylight each day; in March, we gain an average of two minutes and 50 seconds of daylight a day. On my afternoon walk with Hagrid, I'm no longer rushing to get our walk in before a 4:30 PM sunset. Today we soaked up the afternoon rays gave thanks to the amazing universe for kissing us with glorious sunlight.

  2. My amazing colleagues. In year two of my current gig, I have found my tribe, and they keep me going every single day. Kim, for inspiring us to write alongside our students and to do the Slice of Life challenge. For her fearlessness and conviction in doing what's right by the students. Natasha, Jason, and Ariel for building this community of writers. Let us all practice self care, remind ourselves and each other not to give away our power, laugh, and be present.

  3. Chef Vin, our national treasure right here in Cambridge. It's not just his delicious roasted veggies, side salads, kale and codfish soup, legendary apple crisp--all made from scratch--or his ability to spot me in the impossibly long lunch line and wave me to the impromptu chef's express lane. Chef Vin is an amazing human being. He wakes up every day at 3 AM to run 12 miles, he has a golden doodle named Pooch, he is a devoted father and husband, and he radiates humility and an unflappable work ethic. Here he is in Eating Well magazine. You can also read about him here.

  4. Hagrid, my 9 year old Bichon Frise, my constant companion, my sun. As Grandma often remarked, Hagrid is my harbinger of all things good. This week I've started a new ritual with him: a massage before we go on our morning walk. So often I am the most boring dog mom ever... always at the computer or with my pile of papers I'm grading... and the long winters in New England with short daylight hours limit our outdoor time. Yet, he asks so little of me and never protests. Starting the day with a massage for Hagrid is my meditative space. I'm certain Grandma's smiling on us from the spirit world.

  5. Walks in nature with Hagrid. In Japanese there is a term for forest bathing: shinrin-yoku. Walking in the woods (preferably near a body of water) grounds me. It's an instant reset button.

  6. My mentor and hero, Dr. Susan Klimczak, for inspiring me and listening to my rants and raves, for helping me untangle some messy, messy knots with grace and poise, for celebrating playfulness and learning through failures with me. Susan believes in the genius of young people and does amazing work in the Learn 2 Teach / Teach 2 Learn program at the South End Tech Lab at Tent City.

  7. Friends and heroes. Childhood friends Erica, Steve, and Sylvia. When you've known people as long as we've known each other, words are no longer necessary. Doug, my former condo board of trustees co-conspirator, now trusty friend who texts politics, dogs, and everything else under the sun with me. And he's buying me cocktails when we meet again.

  8. Hot herbal tea. My current favorites are Traditional Medicinals Cup of Calm and Throat Coat, Organic India Tulsi Tea original, holy basil with spearmint, and honey chamomile.


  1. Your title had me wondering. It was almost ominous. I read your slice- so much life. What is saving you right now is your love of life and some amazing connections, which would not be there if you hadn't forged them. I really enjoyed your writing.

  2. I love all of these things! And what a great prompt, isn't it? I think it so encourages the counting of blessings and the pouring out of gratitude. Vin and I chatted about dogs today in line and I asked if he'd seen Hagrid yet. You should show him. I'm so humbled by your kindness, your willingness to fight for truth and justice, and your overall amazingness. You're a gift. This post was wonderful.

  3. I might need to try this prompt myself one day soon. I'm having a hard time finding the good right now. Your post was lovely to read.

  4. Yes, thank you for this inspiring yet humbling piece! I also love the Cod fish and Kale soup! You examined with grace and elegance the big and the small. Thank you for "saving me" by reminding me how much I love to write...Your voice, your ideas, and your insight are always so thought-provoking. (And you always have interesting facts..the number of extra minutes of sunlight, so you, Ms. Li!)

    Looking forward to your next entry. Yes, the extra periods of sunlight are making such a difference. Hagrid must be enjoying the walks!


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